How do mosquitoes find food? First, they smell you, scientists say
researchers found that mosquitoes rely on a variety of senses to find their
meals in a process they divided into stages: first they pick up a scent, then
they follow a visual cue, and once they are close enough to the target they
sense its body heat. The
scent that alerts mosquitoes to the proximity of a potential target is not that
of blood, but of carbon dioxide, the gas we exhale. Mosquitoes can smell the
gas from as far as 30 feet away, University of Washington researcher and
co-author on the paper Jeff Riffell explained in a news release.
“Carbon dioxide is the best signal for a
warm-blooded animal, and they can sense that from up to 30 feet away – quite a
distance,” Mr. Riffell said. “And then they start using vision and other body
odors to discriminate whether we’re a dog or a deer or a cow or a human. That
may be how they discriminate among potential blood hosts.”
the study, mosquitoes were put in a wind tunnel that was plain and empty,
except for a black dot on the floor to serve as a visual stimulus. The
introduction of carbon dioxide into the tunnel triggered the mosquitoes’
instinct to search visually for food, Riffel said. “When
we gave them the odor stimulus, all of the sudden they were attracted to this
black dot,” said Riffell. “It’s almost like the carbon dioxide gas turned on
the visual stimulus for the mosquitoes to go to this black dot.” "The
unfortunate conclusion is that it's very difficult to escape mosquitoes,” he
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