
Thursday, 31 July 2014

Education Makes People Easy to Govern but Difficult to Enslave

"Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave." (A famous Scottish lawyer and politician, Baron Henry Peter Brougham)
This is a statement based on the values of education but it refers to one aspect of education, namely, the citizenship value. Education has of course many aims like earning bread and butter, shelter, clothing and a good life. In every enlightened modern government, emphasis is laid on the education of its citizens. Up to a certain age education is made compulsory so that boys and girls get the benefit of it. They get enlightened and they are willing to obey and, given the chance, are ready to rule. That is why one British minister said, “Let us educate our masters” meaning that the people who vote their representatives for the highest legislative body of the country must be educated.
Education helps them realize their responsibilities while they appreciate their rights. They will be able to weigh their opinions before jumping into conclusions. That is a sign of a civilized man. At the same time he will never allow himself to be treated as “a dumb driven cattle”. He does not like being driven. Real sign of education is that when he reaches in exalted position in life he never loses his head, when he is in a humble position he never breaks his head either. Thus an educated man shows equanimity.
They know the value of leadership in any set up and they too know that to become a leader one must have certain desirable qualities. When a right leader is found, it is easier to follow him. People may follow a leader with almost religious fervor but if the people are not educated enough their loyalty shakes and wavers. There is glaring example of this type in India where people followed Gandhiji’s footsteps and when he left the scene he has become almost a legend only to be worshipped at times. His erstwhile followers have changed loyalties. In this case it is the miracle because of a faith akin to religion and not because of education.
So, when people are educated it is easier to lead them because they know the directions and they walk where other limp. It is easier to lead an enlightened mass of people than a mob. The Roman mob wanted Brutus tragically enough “to be Caesar” and later on when Antony worked on their minds, they called the same Brutus “traitor”. An educated person would follow, without being driven. If he senses that he is being driven he revolts. No force of government or the shackles of law can break his back. Physically he may be paralyzed but his spirit would be strong. A really educated man is glad to follow but he would certainly resent being forced to follow. It is easy to govern an educated group of people for they know the need for such governments for the smooth functioning of the society. They know the value of the rule of the law. There must be somebody to govern, even though the authority comes from the people. So, they will never allow themselves to be enslaved for their rights are sacrosanct and anybody encroaching it is not tolerated. One can conclude finally that education must be there for leadership qualities and good governing.

Essay Written By: Ghulam Shabbir in CM Punjab Essay Witing competition 

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