It is good to know what a man is, and also what the world takes him for. But you do not understand him until you have learnt how he understands himself. (Francis Herbert Bradley)
Verily knowing other is wisdom but knowing the self is enlightenment. Wisdom and enlightenment almost have same meanings but here wisdom stands for a good sense and understanding, and enlightenment stands for having sound mind free of ignorance. The famous Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism, Lao Tzu, in his book Tao Te-Ching, translated in English as “The Book of Ways” says: Knowing others is wisdom, knowing the self is enlightenment. Mastering others requires force. Mastering the self requires strength.
Having the knowledge of others personalities, psyches, tastes, castes, likes, unlike, religions, social, political and economic activities, is considered to be one’s wisdom. A person who has such an extra-ordinary knowledge is called wise because such wisdom is acquired only on the basis of knowledge and experience. If we are able to understand others difficulties and capabilities we can solve their difficulties and can take a well-bred decision to avail of their capabilities. In different types of interviews the services of such wise persons are hired because they have a great knowledge of others psyche and they concentrate on their behaviors.
Without systematic study of our self, we can not make proper use of the forces of nature. The study of books and abstract sciences does not make one a shrewd businessman or a good diplomat. But it is the practical knowledge of a man’s personality that is essential for all politicians and businessmen. This type of knowledge is essential for dramatists and poets. Shakespeare became a great dramatist simply because human and his own nature were fully revealed to his view.
Therefore, the importance and status of knowing the self still stand higher. For a man who has the knowledge of others must have the knowledge of himself. The knowledge of ourselves enlightens and broadens our minds and thoughts. Having self-knowledge we start thinking more vividly about ourselves. We become more conscious of secrets relating to our personality. This type of knowledge enables us to combat against troubles. Matthew Arnold has rightly said, “Resolve to be thyself: and know, that he who finds himself, loses his misery. We must explore our self because a man who has the knowledge of his personality can not fell a victim of prejudice and ignorance. A person who is aware of his capabilities and himself is called a great scholar because a person, who knows himself, knows God. Allama Iqbal a great philosopher also stresses upon the importance of himself (KHUDI). So both the knowledge of others and the self is of great importance. We can make our self better then before.
We must have both types of knowing. And if we understand humane nature, there would be greater tolerance in our life and our social life would be happier. (Words 502)
Written by blog Owner : Ghulam Shabbir in CM Shahbaz Sharif essay writing competition
Verily knowing other is wisdom but knowing the self is enlightenment. Wisdom and enlightenment almost have same meanings but here wisdom stands for a good sense and understanding, and enlightenment stands for having sound mind free of ignorance. The famous Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism, Lao Tzu, in his book Tao Te-Ching, translated in English as “The Book of Ways” says: Knowing others is wisdom, knowing the self is enlightenment. Mastering others requires force. Mastering the self requires strength.
Having the knowledge of others personalities, psyches, tastes, castes, likes, unlike, religions, social, political and economic activities, is considered to be one’s wisdom. A person who has such an extra-ordinary knowledge is called wise because such wisdom is acquired only on the basis of knowledge and experience. If we are able to understand others difficulties and capabilities we can solve their difficulties and can take a well-bred decision to avail of their capabilities. In different types of interviews the services of such wise persons are hired because they have a great knowledge of others psyche and they concentrate on their behaviors.
Without systematic study of our self, we can not make proper use of the forces of nature. The study of books and abstract sciences does not make one a shrewd businessman or a good diplomat. But it is the practical knowledge of a man’s personality that is essential for all politicians and businessmen. This type of knowledge is essential for dramatists and poets. Shakespeare became a great dramatist simply because human and his own nature were fully revealed to his view.
Therefore, the importance and status of knowing the self still stand higher. For a man who has the knowledge of others must have the knowledge of himself. The knowledge of ourselves enlightens and broadens our minds and thoughts. Having self-knowledge we start thinking more vividly about ourselves. We become more conscious of secrets relating to our personality. This type of knowledge enables us to combat against troubles. Matthew Arnold has rightly said, “Resolve to be thyself: and know, that he who finds himself, loses his misery. We must explore our self because a man who has the knowledge of his personality can not fell a victim of prejudice and ignorance. A person who is aware of his capabilities and himself is called a great scholar because a person, who knows himself, knows God. Allama Iqbal a great philosopher also stresses upon the importance of himself (KHUDI). So both the knowledge of others and the self is of great importance. We can make our self better then before.
We must have both types of knowing. And if we understand humane nature, there would be greater tolerance in our life and our social life would be happier. (Words 502)
Written by blog Owner : Ghulam Shabbir in CM Shahbaz Sharif essay writing competition
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